Monday, March 03, 2008

Mammon ...

Sometimes the most poignant maxims come as jokes. I came across this ad on the internet and while I laughed at the joke, I couldn't help but reflect on the deeper meaning. Curiosity killed the cat, but Mammon killed the human race.


Anonymous said...

I remember reading an archived Usenet post from 1994, where someone claimed that a Christian might sum it up as "There is no god but Mammon, and Ayn Rand is his Prophet".

It's a pity the thread isn't open now, or I could inform this person that they were actually paraphrasing the Islamic Shahadah...

Fayyaz Khan said...

Belgian Beer:

I received authentic information about Mr Squires. You lied about him.

I would like to continue the discussion only in the presence of Mr Squires. Since he is very busy nowadays, you'll have to wait.